Grades K-8 for both parishes will meet on Sunday mornings in St. Mary's Parish Hall (Cheshire) from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. We are thrilled to bring the students from both parishes together as they grow in knowledge and faith! For grade 9, students will enter the Confirmation Program.
2024-2025 School Year Calendar
For children age 5 or older who have not been Baptized, who are in grade 4 or above and not received Holy Communion, or who are in grade 10 or above and have not been Confirmed, please visit our page.
Christina Gingras - Kindergarten & 1st Grade
Alison Warner & Karen Drain - 2nd Grade
Ellen Wohrle & Dan Matrigali - 3rd & 4th Grades
Jennifer DeGrenier & Suzanne Kolis - 5th Grade
Lynn Berti - 6th & 7th Grades
Celia Norcross - 8th Grade
Sandy Pizani - 9th Grade (Visit the Confirmation page for more details)..