The three Liturgical Ministries, Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, and Lectors, play an important part in the Sunday liturgy. Those who choose to perform these roles hold a special place in our parish community. To join a ministry, see Fr. Paul or Deacon Bruce after any Mass or contact them through the parish office.
Lectors are practicing Catholics who proclaim the Word of God during the Liturgy at Mass. Lectors must be comfortable speaking in front of large groups, have a clear voice, and be able to read and pronounce Biblical text. Those who are interested in this ministry should speak with either Fr. Paul or Deacon Bruce.
Altar Servers fill a special role by assisting the Priest and Deacon at Mass. They help with the Liturgy and Eucharist. At our parishes, any young person who has received his or her First Holy Communion is eligible to serve. We encourage each Altar Server to continue serving through high school, and even to come back during their college breaks. We also welcome adults to serve as Altar Servers for both regular Masses and for funerals. All candidates must attend a training session, and have the commitment and ability to perform this role with reverence.
If you or your child are interested in serving, please contact Fr. Paul or Deacon Bruce.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, previously known as Eucharistic Ministers, assist with the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass. Some bring Communion to parishioners who are homebound or in nursing homes. Formal training is required to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. If you are interested in this role, please contact Fr. Paul or Deacon Bruce.
Ushers are present to take up the collection and to perform other tasks as needed. If you are interested in becoming an usher, please contact the parish office.
Greeters are volunteers who welcome parishioners and visitors at each Mass. They typically distribute the bulletin and offer assistance as needed. If you would like to be a greeter, please contact the parish office.
Sacristans support the Liturgy through preparation for various functions such as funerals and Masses.