Consistent with Canon Law and Diocesan Guidelines, our Parish's Pastor and Deacon are assisted by five standing committees, a Finance Committee, and a Parish Council. These bodies are advisory and the final decision on any matter rests with the Pastor.
Every person who is a confirmed Catholic and is an active member in good standing of St. John Paul II Parish is eligible to serve as a member of the Parish’s standing committees. Each standing committee selects two members to serve on the Parish Council.
The members of the Finance Committee are chosen by the Pastor, to assist him in managing the Parish’s finances. In addition to having to satisfy the same criteria as standing committee members, Finance Committee members are required to have some financial expertise. All of these bodies have a chair, co-chair, and secretary.
Fr. Michael Lillpopp - Pastor
Barb Armata
Larry Clairmont
Jim Loughman (Chair)
Eugene Michalenko
Chris Milesi
Mary Whitman
Barb Wisniowski
Richard Wisniowski
Michelle Francesconi - Business Manager
Kathy Luczynski - Finance Committee
Judy Roy - St. Stanislaus School Board
Deb Wooley - Finance Committee
The Communications Committee's charge is to keep parishioners and the broader community informed of parish activities.
Members: Joe Armata, Mary Jette, Jim Loughman (Chair), Eugene Michalenko (Co-Chair), Roland Racine, and Lorraine Robinson
The Family Life Committee's charge is to create and implement programs designed to keep parishioners connected to the Parish and promote the family.
Members: Vacant
Family Life Committee Minutes
The Hospitality Committee's charge is to oversee parish receptions, potluck dinners, and other events designed to foster fellowship both among parishioners and with the broader community.
Members: Chris Milesi (Chair), Barb Wisniowski (Co-Chair)
The Property Committee's charge is to identify and prioritize the maintenance needs of our Parish’s buildings and grounds and oversee their maintenance.
Members: John Bordeau, Ron Burdick, Larry Clairmont (Chair), Allen Mendel, Dave Ouellette, Fred Pietras, and Richard Wisniowski (Co-Chair)
Property Committee Minutes
The Spiritual Life Committee's charge is to create and implement programs and events designed to assist parishioners to grow in their knowledge and understanding of Catholic teachings and provide them with opportunities to enrich their participation in prayer and worship.
Members: Barb Armata (Chair), Pat Clairmont, Robin Loughman, Tim Rougeau, and Mary Whitman (Co-Chair)
Spiritual Life Committee Minutes
Fr. Michael Lillpopp - Pastor
Gary Bellows
John Duval
Kathy Luczynski
Dave Ouellette
Deb Wooley